Mji wa Bagamoyo, Tanzania, ilianzishwa mwishoni mwa karne ya 18. Ilikuwa
(pia yameandikwa Bagamojo) mji mkuu wa awali wa Ujerumani Afrika
Mashariki na alikuwa mmoja wa bandari muhimu zaidi ya biashara katika
pwani ya Afrika Mashariki. Leo mji una wakazi 30,000 na ni mji mkuu wa Wilaya ya Bagamoyo, hivi karibuni kuwa kuchukuliwa kama tovuti ya urithi wa dunia.EneoBagamoyo iko katika 6 ° 26'S 38 ° 54'E. Ni uongo 75 km kaskazini ya Dar es Salaam katika pwani ya Bahari ya Hindi, karibu na kisiwa cha Zanzibar.Bagamoyo ni muhimu zaidi ya biashara entrepot ya mashariki ya kati ya pwani ya Afrika mwishoni mwa karne ya 19. Historia
ya Bagamoyo imekuwa kusukumwa na wafanyabiashara ya Hindi na Kiarabu,
na serikali ya Ujerumani wa kikoloni na kwa Mkristowamisionari.
Bagamoyo ni muhimu zaidi ya biashara entrepot ya mashariki ya kati ya pwani ya Afrika mwishoni mwa karne ya 19. Historia
ya Bagamoyo imekuwa kusukumwa na wafanyabiashara ya Hindi na Kiarabu,
na serikali ya Ujerumani wa kikoloni na kwa wamisionari wa kikristo.Kuhusu
5 km kusini ya Bagamoyo, magofu ya Kaole pamoja na mabaki ya misikiti
miwili na michache ya makaburi inaweza tarehe nyuma ya karne ya 13,
kuonyesha umuhimu wa Uislamu katika nyakati hizo mapema Bagamoyo.Kaole magofu ya Bagamoyo, TanzaniaMpaka
katikati ya karne ya 18, Bagamoyo ilikuwa ndogo na biashara ya kituo
cha insignificant ambapo zaidi ya idadi ya watu walikuwa wavuvi na
wakulima. kuu biashara ya bidhaa walikuwa samaki, chumvi, na gum, pamoja na mambo mengine.
Historia kwa ufupi kuhusu Bagamoyo.Mwishoni mwa karne ya 18 familia Muslim makazi katika Bagamoyo, wote ambao walikuwa ndugu wa Shamvi la Magimba ya Oman. Wao
na maisha yao kwa kulazimisha kodi ya idadi ya watu asili na kwa
biashara ya chumvi, zilizokusanywa kutoka Nunge pwani ya kaskazini ya
Bagamoyo. Katika
nusu ya kwanza ya karne ya 19, Bagamoyo kuwa bandari ya biashara kwa
pembe na biashara ya watumwa, na wafanyabiashara kutoka mambo ya ndani
ya Afrika, kutoka maeneo ya mbali kama Morogoro, Ziwa Tanganyika na
Usambara njiani kwenda Zanzibar. Hii inaeleza maana ya neno Bagamoyo ("bwaga-Moyo") ambayo ina maana ya "Lay chini ya Moyo wako" katika Kiswahili. Ni
haijulikani kama hii ina maana ya biashara ya watumwa ambayo kupita kwa
njia ya mji (yaani "kutoa juu ya matumaini yote") au kwa mabawabu ambao
ulipatikana katika Bagamoyo baada ya kutimiza cargos lb 35 juu ya
mabega yao kutoka kanda ya Maziwa Makuu (yaani "kuchukua mzigo mbali na kupumzika "). Kwa
kuwa kuna ushahidi mdogo kusaidia kwamba Bagamoyo ilikuwa kubwa mtumwa
bandari (Kilwa, kiasi kusini zaidi, imeleta hali hiyo), na kwamba makumi
ya maelfu ya mabawabu walifika Bagamoyo kila mwaka katika nusu ya
mwisho ya karne ya 19, ni zaidi ya uwezekano kwamba jina la mji hupata kutoka tafsiri za mwisho.
ya watumwa katika Afrika ya Mashariki ilikuwa rasmi marufuku kwa mwaka
1873, lakini iliendelea kindanindani vizuri hadi mwisho wa karne ya 19.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
People of my Country and Social Organization
Tanzania’s population is concentrated along the coast and isles, the fertile northern and southern highlands, and the lands bordering Lake Victoria. The relatively arid and less fertile central region is sparsely inhabited. So too is much of the fertile and well watered far west, including the shores of Lake Tanganyika and Lake Nyasa (Malawi). About 80% of Tanzanians live in rural communities.
Zanzibar, population about 1.3 million (3% of Tanzania’s population), consists of two main islands and several small ones just off the Tanzanian coast. The two largest islands are Unguja (often referred to simply as Zanzibar) and Pemba. Zanzibaris, together with their socio-linguistic cousins in the Comoros Islands and the East Africa coast from modern-day southern Somalia to northern Mozambique, created Swahili culture and language, which reflect long and close associations with other parts of Africa and with the Arab world, Persia, and South Asia.
Tanzanians are proud of their strong sense of national identity and commitment to Swahili as the national language. There are roughly 120 ethnic communities in the country representing several of Africa’s main socio-linguistic groups.
Tanzania’s population is concentrated along the coast and isles, the fertile northern and southern highlands, and the lands bordering Lake Victoria. The relatively arid and less fertile central region is sparsely inhabited. So too is much of the fertile and well watered far west, including the shores of Lake Tanganyika and Lake Nyasa (Malawi). About 80% of Tanzanians live in rural communities.
Zanzibar, population about 1.3 million (3% of Tanzania’s population), consists of two main islands and several small ones just off the Tanzanian coast. The two largest islands are Unguja (often referred to simply as Zanzibar) and Pemba. Zanzibaris, together with their socio-linguistic cousins in the Comoros Islands and the East Africa coast from modern-day southern Somalia to northern Mozambique, created Swahili culture and language, which reflect long and close associations with other parts of Africa and with the Arab world, Persia, and South Asia.
Tanzanians are proud of their strong sense of national identity and commitment to Swahili as the national language. There are roughly 120 ethnic communities in the country representing several of Africa’s main socio-linguistic groups.
colonial invasion, the indigenous people had built up formidable
political systems and institutions. These were either kingdoms,
chief-doms or social orders such as the Maasai Age-set rule. The
Nyamwezi people under chief Mirambo, the Hehe under chief Mkwawa
and a series of kingdoms among the Chagga
and the Haya people are some of such developments recorded.
is from some of these institutions that resistance to colonial
domination, subjugation and exploitation emerged from late 19th
century to the 20th century. For instance, in
through the famous "Majimaji War" the people in the
Southern part of Tanzania took up arms and fought the
German rulers there. Helped by the world wars, eventually, the local
people kicked the Germans out of Tanganyika. Traces of
exotic artifacts have been made as evidences of the
between Tanzanians and the rest of the world societies.
Periplus of the Erythrean sea, for instance, puts clear
the record
that the East African coast had strong political
Arabian influence in the country is recorded since the 7th
century after the Birth of Christ. The occupation of the Isles and
the Coastal areas by Asian societies did culminate in a systematic
inhuman slave trade. Tired of cosmetic political changes in
Zanzibar, the "Zenj" people evicted the Arabian rulers
in 1964 through an armed revolution.
after a protracted occupation by the unsuspecting traders,
explorers and missionaries from Europe since the 15th
Century Tanzania found itself being subjected to systematic
colonial domination by Germany and Great Britain at different
times before 1961. The Great Berlin conference of 1884 was the
springboard of all what had happened for subjugating Tanzania and
Chagga society in a market
the domination of Tanzania by Germans, British and Arabs, the
indigenous people were decimated, lost their destiny and cultural
identity, were economically exploited and their technology
disrupted. However, the worst evil of all committed by
colonialists has been their wishful intent to discourage
individual initiative to venture, discover, make attempts and to
fabricate. The outcome is the current dependency status!
early as 1950's different, but very interesting forms of modern
struggles for independence were being created. For example by 1954
Tanganyika African National Union (TANU), a political party
already was a force to reckon with under the able
leadership of Julius Kambarage. Nyerere. It is under the same
political party that Tanzania got rid of British domination in 1961. In Zanzibar, the Afro Shirazi Party emerged
late in the 1950's and toppled the Arab rule on the island in
1964. Tanganyika and Zanzibar United in that year to form the
United Republic of Tanzania.
Early History
Early History
of the known history of Tanganyika before 1964 concerns the
coastal area, although the interior has a number of important
prehistoric sites, including the Olduvai Gorge. Trading contacts
between Arabia and the East African coast existed by the 1st
century AD, and there are indications of connections with India.
The coastal trading centres were mainly Arab settlements, and
relations between the Arabs and their African neighbours appear to
have been fairly friendly. After the arrival of the Portuguese in
the late 15th century, the position of the Arabs was gradually
undermined, but the Portuguese made little attempt to penetrate
into the interior. They lost their foothold north of the Ruvuma
River early in the 18th century as a result of an alliance between
the coastal Arabs and the ruler of Muscat on the Arabian
Peninsula. This link remained extremely tenuous, however, until
French interest in the slave trade from the ancient town of Kilwa,
on the Tanganyikan coast, revived the trade in 1776. Attention by
the French also aroused the sultan of Muscat's interest in the
economic possibilities of the East African coast, and a new Omani
governor was appointed at Kilwa. For some time most of the slaves
came from the Kilwa hinterland, and until the 19th century such
contacts as existed between the coast and the interior were due
mainly to African caravans from the interior.
In their constant
search for slaves, Arab traders began to penetrate farther into
the interior, more particularly in the southeast toward Lake Nyasa.
Farther north two merchants from India followed the tribal trade
routes to reach the country of the Nyamwezi about 1825. Along this
route ivory appears to have been as great an attraction as slaves,
and Sa'id bin Sultan himself, after the transfer of his capital
from Muscat to Zanzibar, gave every encouragement to the Arabs to
pursue these trading possibilities. From the Nyamwezi country the
Arabs pressed on to Lake Tanganyika in the early 1840s. Tabora (or
Kazé, as it was then called) and Ujiji, on Lake Tanganyika,
became important trading centres, and a number of Arabs made their
homes there. They did not annex these territories but occasionally
ejected hostile chieftains. Mirambo, an African chief who built
for himself a temporary empire to the west of Tabora in the 1860s
and '70s, effectively blocked the Arab trade routes when they
refused to pay him tribute. His empire was purely a personal one,
however, and collapsed on his death in 1884.
The first Europeans
to show an interest in Tanganyika in the 19th century were
missionaries of the Church Missionary Society, Johann Ludwig Krapf
and Johannes Rebmann, who in the late 1840s reached Kilimanjaro.
It was a fellow missionary, Jakob Erhardt, whose famous
"slug" map (showing, on Arab information, a vast,
shapeless, inland lake) helped stimulate the interest of the
British explorers Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke. They
traveled from Bagamoyo to Lake Tanganyika in 1857-58, and Speke
also saw Lake Victoria. This expedition was followed by Speke's
second journey, in 1860, in the company of J.A. Grant, to justify
the former's claim that the Nile rose in Lake Victoria. These
primarily geographic explorations were followed by the activities
of David Livingstone, who in 1866 set out on his last journey for
Lake Nyasa. Livingstone's object was to expose the horrors of the
slave trade and, by opening up legitimate trade with the interior,
to destroy the slave trade at its roots. Livingstone's journey led
to the later expeditions of H.M. Stanley and V.L. Cameron. Spurred
on by Livingstone's work and example, a number of missionary
societies began to take an interest in East Africa after 1860.
Understand Geography of Tanzania

Geography of the country
Tanzania has a varied geography, including deep and large
freshwater and salt lakes, many national parks, and Africa's
highest point, Mount Kilimanjaro
(5,895 m/19,341 ft).
Northeast Tanzania is
mountainous and includes Mount Meru, an active volcano, Mount Kilimanjaro, a dormant volcano, and the Usambara and Pare mountain ranges. Kilimanjaro attracts thousands of
tourists each year.
West of those mountains is
the Gregory Rift, which is the eastern arm of the Great Rift Valley. On the floor of the rift are a number of
large salt lakes, including Natron in the north, Manyara in the south, and Eyasi in the southwest. The rift also encompasses the Crater Highlands, which includes the Ngorongoro Conservation Area
and the Ngorongoro Crater. Just to
the south of Lake Natron is Old Doinyo Lengai (2,980 m/9,777 ft), the world's
only active volcano to produce natrocarbonatite lava. To the west of the Crater Highlands
lies Serengeti National Park,
which is famous for its lions, leopards, elephants, rhinoceroses, and buffalo plus the annual migration of millions of white bearded
wildebeest. Just to the southeast of the park is Olduvai Gorge, where many of the oldest hominid fossils and
artifacts have been found.
Further northwest is Lake Victoria on the Kenya–Uganda–Tanzania
border. This is the largest lake in Africa by surface area and is traditionally
named as the source of the Nile River. Southwest of this, separating
Tanzania from the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, is Lake Tanganyika. This lake
is estimated to be the second deepest lake in the world after Lake Baikal in Siberia. The western portion of the
country between Lakes Victoria, Tanganyika, and Malawi consists of flat land
that has been categorised by the World Wildlife Fund as
part of the Central Zambezian Miombo
woodlands ecoregion. Just upstream from the Kalambo Falls, which is in Zambia,
there is one of the most important archaeological sites in Africa.
The centre of Tanzania is a large
plateau, which is part of the East African Plateau. The
southern half of this plateau is grassland within the Eastern Miombo woodlands
ecoregion, the majority of which is covered by the huge Selous National Park.
Further north the plateau is arable land and includes the national capital, Dodoma.
The eastern coast contains
Tanzania's largest city and former capital, Dar es Salaam. Just north of this city lies the Zanzibar Archipelago, a
semi-autonomous territory of Tanzania which is famous for its spices. The coast
is home to areas of East African mangroves, mangrove swamps that are an important habitat for wildlife on
land and in the water.
Administratively, Tanzania is
divided into 30 regions, with 25 on the
mainland, 3 on Zanzibar Island, and 2 on Pemba.
Tanzania has a tropical climate. In the highlands, temperatures range
between 10 and 20 °C (50 and 68 °F) during cold and hot seasons
respectively. The rest of the country has temperatures rarely falling
lower than 20 °C (68 °F).
The hottest period extends between November and February (25–31 °C /
77–87.8 °F) while the coldest period occurs between May and August
(15–20 °C / 59–68 °F).
Tanzania has two major rainfall regions. One is uni-modal (December -
April) and the other is bimodal (October -December and March - May). The
former is experienced in southern, south-west, central and western
parts of the country, and the latter is found to the north and northern
In the bimodal regime the March - May rains are referred to as the
long rains or Masika, whereas the October - December rains are generally
known as short rains or Vuli.
Location: Eastern Africa, bordering the Indian Ocean, between Kenya and Mozambique.
Geographic coordinates: 6°00′S 35°00′E.
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